THOMS, web platform for subsurface energy companies

THOMS (Technology Hub for One Market Solution) is the web platform dedicated to the French companies within the subsurface energy markets.Operated by POLE AVENIA, a unique subsurface cluster in France, and UIMM Adour Atlantique (Union des Industries et des Métiers de la Métallurgie), the web platform is an easy gateway to source the skills, products and services of French companies in subsurface engineering:

  • Oil & gas
  • Geothermal energy
  • Geological storage

Sorting and search can be done by skills (drilling, geophysics, reservoir engineering...), products (tube, drilling tools, valves… ) and companies.Ideal sourcing tools, THOMS eases the relationship between providers and clients, native or international. In that way THOMS is directed towards:

  • Prospective purchasers looking to enrich their portofolio with alternative skilled companies.
  • Companies, SMEs or major, looking for new markets.

Created to promote collaborative business, THOMS ambition is to help companies to join forces to get new contracts together. If you are looking for promoting your skills or products or if you want more information about THOMS’ platform, please fell free to join Jerome PORFIRIO, POLE AVENIA Manager thanks the contact form.

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