Trade mission to China - EU4SportsClusters

Within the framework of EU4SportsClusters Alliance project, INDESCAT, Sports & Technology and Cluster Montagne jointly took part in a trade mission to Beijing, organized from 13rd to 16th February, in coincidence with ISPO BeijingAs part of these European sports clusters, 17 European companies and organizations from France,the Netherlands and Catalonia joined a trade mission to Beijing with the aim of establishing business relationships with the Chinese sports industry in the mid-term.The European delegation visited different public institutions in order to get a deep knowledge of the Chinese sports ecosystem, such as two different areas of the General Administration of Sport of China. On the one hand, they visited the Sport Equipment Administrative Center, a department of GASC linked to sports equipment (equipment purchase, bidding and management for national sports teams, market development of Chinese Olympic Committee and national teams, etc.). On the other hand, they visited the Winter Sport Center the highest administration for winter sports in China (focusing not only on the Olympics, but also on sports promotion, marketing, research, biddings, etc.), which also runs the Chinese Sporting Goods Federation.Press release >>

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